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Growing Avocado



Tips for getting your tree off to a good start


Avocados are self-fertile but yields can be increased by planting a mix of ‘A’ and ‘B’ type flowering varieties. 


  • Avocados are best planted from spring through to autumn (Sept – April)
  • Make sure you plant your tree in sheltered, sunny spot with free draining soil.
  • Paint the tree stem with watered down white acrylic paint to protect against sunburn.
  • Never tease out the plant roots, you want to get the tree from the bag into the planting hole with minimum damage to the roots.
  • Do not put fertilisers in the planting hole, our trees contain a slow release fertiliser that will provide enough nutrients to the roots during establishment.
  • Plant the tree so it is at the same height or slightly above ground level.
  • Make sure you stake your tree to stop it moving about during establishment.


  • Foliar spray once a month with a foliar feed such as Nitrosol for the first few months.
  • Avocado trees prefer “little and often” when it comes to fertiliser. Small monthly applications from spring through to late summer are better than a big amount once or twice a year.
  • More damage is done by over watering than under watering so err on the side of too little. Avocados prefer to be watered and then left between watering rather than being watered on a regular basis.
  • Keep your tree a manageable size by pruning once or twice a year in spring and/or autumn. Make one or two cuts off the most offending limbs (target 20% of the total canopy area) and cut back to near the main stem. This will ensure the rest of the tree will keep flowering and fruiting.
  • Avocado trees love mulch. Add a layer of mulch around the tree but keep it away from the tree trunk. It is best to use a loose material such as wood chips or a compost.



Hass – the most common avocado variety grown in NZ. Medium oval shaped fruit with crocodile skin, turns dark when ripe.  Excellent eating quality.  ‘A’ type flowering.  Harvest from September to March.



Reed – medium, round fruit with a green skin that stays green when ripe.  Excellent eating quality.  ‘A’ type flowering.  Harvest from January to May.

Garlic Singles 


Bacon – medium to large fruit with a thin, green skin that stays green when ripe.  Harvest from July to August.  ‘B’ type flowering.  Good cold tolerance.

Gardening, Guide, Avocado 



Fuerte – medium pear-shaped fruit with a thin, green skin that stays green when ripe.  ‘B’ type flowering.  Harvest from September to December. 

Gardening, Guide, Avocado



Check out a great planting video and FAQ at www.lynwood.co.nz 




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